16. Insurance
A couple insurance options are available to Extension professionals who plan events and activities that are either held offsite or pose a risk to program participants, clients, members or volunteers. These insurance coverage options are low cost and easy to secure. In all cases, the small fee for the insurance coverage can be built into the registration fee of the Extension activity.
American Income Life Insurance - Summary of Coverage
American Income Life Insurance provides low-cost coverage for youth, volunteer leaders and adults, participating in adult supervised activities sponsored by the Cooperative Extension Service at camps, conferences, fairs, tours and meetings, including travel time. Coverage is available in three options, ranging in cost from $0.20 to $0.30 per person per day, with an $8.00 minimum fee required per activity. The application must be postmarked at least one day prior to the effective date of the insurance, or by on-line request at www.americanincomelife.com Beginning in 2012, horse and snow sports are now eligible for all coverage options. Additionally, year-long insurance coverage is available for $1 per person per year. Check the website for current rates, coverage and benefits.
UK Risk Management - Summary of Coverage
Insurance coverage is on an excess basis only. The participant's personal health insurance policy will be primary and provide coverage for accident and sickness. The excess policy will cover any out-of-pocket expense not paid by the participant's personal insurance up to the limits of the policy listed below. (This includes payment of the deductible and coinsurance amounts if applied under the participant's personal policy.) The sickness medical expense will be limited to $500 on an excess basis. The benefit period is one year. The first expense must be incurred within 60 days of the accident or sickness. If the participant does not have personal health insurance coverage, this excess policy will pay first dollar, up to the limits of this policy. Pre-existing conditions are not covered. A pre-existing condition is any condition for which a prudent person should have sought treatment or was treated in the previous six months.
Event Insurance is available through UK Risk Management (contact Linda Rookard at 859/257-3708 or visit their website at: http://www.uky.edu/EVPFA/Controller/risk.htm )
All University of Kentucky Sponsored and Supervised Camps, Field Trips, Seminars have available Excess Accident Medical Insurance. Not all camps, field trips, and other activities are eligible to be insured by the University. In order to be eligible, an activity must meet both of the following conditions:
- The activity must be sponsored by the University and supervised by University personnel. That is, some department of the University must take responsibility for the organization, hosting, and (usually) funding of the activity. Student organization activities, or activities held on University property but sponsored by an outside organization, do not meet this condition, and are not eligible for insurance.
- The activity must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Summer camp
- Sports activity
- Out-of-state field trip
- Involves participants that are under the age of 18
- It is not any of the above, but it exposes participants to a risk of injury that is not ordinarily present in an academic setting. Examples: A rock climbing trip, snow ski trip, or a carpentry workshop involving the use of power tools.