CES Manuals
CES Manuals

Contact Information

Laura Stephenson
Associate Dean & Director of Extension

S-107 Ag Science Building-North Lexington, KY 40546-0091



Extension Manual Chapters

Extension Manual Chapters


Funding Requests - Extension Agents are not permitted to respond to requests from outside agencies to endorse and/or sign project proposals or requests for funding without administrative approval. Contact your Area Extension Director for more information.

Awards, Fellowships and Other Funding Opportunities

Barnhart Fund for Excellence

CRISIS (Crisis Relief in Situations Involving Staff and Faculty)

Epsilon Sigma Phi Awards

J. Lester Miller Graduate Fellowship Fund - The J. Lester Miller Graduate Fellowship Fund for County Extension Agents is awarded to County Extension Agents who are engaged in graduate work in a masters or doctoral program, and have demonstrated excellence in programming, possess high moral character, and the ability to cooperate with others. A link to the award application will be shared & promoted annually from UK Extension Administration. Deadline is September 15.

Randall Barnett County Extension Council Award - Deadline May 15

Staff Professional Development Fund

Thomas Poe Cooper Farm Leadership Award - Deadline July 15

Dean Thomas Poe Cooper established a trust fund to provide for the recognition of an outstanding farm leader in Kentucky. A call for nominations for the Farm Leadership Award is periodically shared with counties and departments. The selection criteria are outlined below. Unsuccessful nominations will be carried forward one year. After that time, resubmission is required for further consideration. Selection criteria:

  1. The person should be a farm man or woman in Kentucky who has rendered outstanding service or leadership to the community or the state of Kentucky for the betterment of farm people.
  2. The person should be a leader in terms of adopting new ideas.
  3. The person should have demonstrated capacity for leadership in the community, county, and state.
  4. The person should have demonstrated the application of skills and efforts beyond the normal.

The award process is coordinated by the Associate Dean and Director for Cooperative Extension, with applications and deadline notifications being sent from that office.

Wills Leadership Fund - The Wills Leadership Fund has been established to support leadership development opportunities for UK Cooperative Extension Service Agents. Intended uses of the fund include, but are not limited to, registration fees, travel fees and expenses, and other costs associated with attendance at or participation in leadership development opportunities. A link to the award application will be shared & promoted annually from UK Extension Administration. Deadline is September 15.

All Cooperative Extension employees have full benefits from the University of Kentucky. 
For details or inquiries, visit the UK Benefits page.

Insurance and Retirement Benefits

UK HR Records

Lunch and Learn Professional Development Sessions

Work Life and Well Being

Career Ladder/Professional Promotion for County Extension Agents 

County Extension Agents are professional educators who work collaboratively with faculty, specialists, associates, and clientele in carrying out educational programs of the Cooperative Extension Service in all counties of the Commonwealth.  The Cooperative Extension Service is the primary outreach arm of the University of Kentucky.  In accomplishing the University’s outreach mission, Extension agents are expected to develop and conduct educational programs that meet the needs of individuals and communities across the state. 

One of the most important factors in ensuring the success of the Cooperative Extension Service involves the employment, development, and retention of high-quality personnel.  One mechanism for encouraging continued professional growth and development is through the implementation of a professional promotion system.  Such a system outlines specific expectations of different stages of professional development and employee performance, and thus provides the motivation that encourages professionals to achieve a high level of performance.  

Often referred to as a “career ladder,” an agent professional development system rewards individuals for securing additional education and training, as well as for outstanding job performance and experience gained through Extension program development.  The result is that the Cooperative Extension Service will advance and retain the best qualified individuals who will develop into top notch professionals carrying out the highest quality educational programs.  This high level of performance will reflect positively on the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service and will have a positive impact on the lives of individuals, families, and communities.

   Career Ladder Letter of Intent    
   Career Ladder Procedures and Guidelines
   Career Ladder Promotion Guide (Copy of application questions for review)
   IMPORTANT: Career Ladder applications are submitted on-line in KERS and will be available on December 1. Paper copies will not be accepted. 
Note - KERS Career Ladder application may be partially completed, saved, and completed/submitted at a later date. Be aware of submission deadline. 

Agents working on advanced degrees may need to complete the following forms:

  1. Extension Agent Individual Study Plan
  2. UK Employee Education Program Form

Civil Rights
Civil Rights laws require nondiscrimination in employment decisions and in the delivery of programs, services, or activities by any recipient of federal funds. As a public institution and partner with USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture, we have an obligation to ensure that our research and extension programs are conducted in a manner that prevents discrimination and ensures equal access. It is necessary to become familiar with key components of the laws and terms that describe how we ensure compliance.

All Reasonable Efforts
Directives from USDA, UK, and NIFA
Civil Rights Laws and Regulations
Limited English (LEP) and other Language Resources
Employee Resources-Affirmative Action
Terms and Procedures
Affirmative Action
Parity of Participation
All Reasonable Efforts
Public Notification Plan
Complaint Procedure
Guideline for Outside Presenters

Attendance Roster
Statement of Compliance
             Extension Homemaker Groups
            4-H Youth Development Programs
            Extension Sponsored Groups
All Reasonable Efforts
County Affirmative Action Documentation Checklist
County Affirmative Action Plan
Employee Education Program

EEO Footers and the County Newsletter Annual Statement

And Justice for All Posters 
 Must be in color and 11” X 17”. Contact your AED for these posters.
                        Green – all public spaces
                        Blue – SNAP-Ed programs

The University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service Volunteer Screening Policy
All individuals who have unsupervised contact with a vulnerable, at-risk, or special needs audience at any time must complete the entire screening protocol. 
Vulnerable audiences include, but are not limited to: youth, home-bound, immigrant, physically, mentally or emotionally challenged, disadvantaged and underprivileged.

One-on-One Contact (2015)
There shall be no one-on-one contact (personal, unsupervised interaction) between a program leader or program staff (paid or volunteer) and a minor (a person who has not reached their eighteenth birthday), a 4-H program participant, or a member of a vulnerable audience without at least one other program leader, program staff (paid or volunteer), parent or legal guardian present.  (One-on-one contact includes email, texting, and social media.)

This Client Protection Handbook is complete and finalized. Please use the links to navigate the handbook. It is recommended to head first to the contents to navigate to your desired sections. Each section of this Client Protection Handbook which contains forms, has links to PDF versions of the form for download and printing. This allows us to maintain the integrity of the forms as they were designed. 

Client Protection Handbook Chapters 

 Information Technology Services 
 The Information Technology Team is comprised of the Extension IT Support Group (REITC’s), College Systems Support Group, Academic Facilities IT Support and Extension IT Trainer. The College Helpdesk is also part of the IT Team, offering assistance with IT related problems/questions via the phone, email, and by remote assistance. 
Call 1-800-900-4447 or email cithelp@uky.edu.

 Use of Computing Resources 
 Computing resources and internet services are for the purpose of conducting the business of the UK Cooperative Extension Service. Access to and use of these computing resources is granted to University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service employees for conducting official business. Appropriate ethical and legal use of computing resources is the responsibility of each individual. Unauthorized use of computing resources will result in disciplinary action appropriate to the violation. Examples of inappropriate activities are: 

  • Conducting an illegal or unauthorized act 
  • Transferring or sharing access with other individuals 
  • Not maintaining the security of the system 
  • Spending excessive work time on the computer for personal or recreational purposes 
  • Accessing inappropriate or pornographic material 
  • Using the computer for commercial purposes 

Data stored on CES county devices is the property of the University and all applicable University policies regarding storage and safe handling of data should be followed.  

Use of social media provides another way for Extension to communicate with the public.  For college guidelines on social media refer to the CAFE Marketing Resources website.  

Computing and Resources Use Policy 
 The University of Kentucky Policy Governing Access to and Use of University Information Technology Resources explicitly states in Section IV the guidelines for using technology, computer resources and the responsibility of each user (the entire policy can be found here). 
Security of data stored on UK CES devices is the responsibility of all CES employees and this data is the property of the University. If sensitive data such as Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is stored on a UK CES device, please work with your REITC to ensure the device is encrypted. Any third-party access to CES data is prohibited without prior approval from CES Administration.  
Ensuring UK/Cooperative Extension computing assets and data remain secure is critical. Critical county and user data should be backed up to an off-site location, your REITC can assist with setting this up. Always feel free to contact your REITC or anyone on the IT Team with questions regarding computer security.  

Guidelines for Purchasing New Extension Computers 
 All new computers to be installed and maintained by the Regional Extension Information Technology Contacts (REITC) are recommended to be purchased through the UK Cooperative Extension Dell Premier Site or the UK Apple Educational Store. Please contact your REITC to generate a quote from the Dell or Apple stores for District Board approval. The University has negotiated a discount for devices purchased from Dell and these systems are also configured with extended warranties that ensure cost savings for the life of the system. It is recommended that users’ primary machines should be kept under warranty when possible. Should a county have a new computer delivered to their office, purchase and delivery should be coordinated with the REITC to ensure proper installation and setup. 

UK Email  
The College of Agriculture, Food and Environment utilizes a range of computing networks. Many members of the University community including faculty, staff, and students use electronic mail (email) in their day-to-day activities. Email services are provided through UK Information Technology Services to help Faculty and Staff further the University's mission of research, instruction, and public service. Use of email should be consistent with this mission and this policy. 
The county's email address(countyname.ext@uky.edu) has special significance. Often a single copy of a message is sent only to the county email address instead of sending copies to each of the individuals in the county. It should be the assigned duty of at least one individual to receive the county email messages and share any incoming messages with the appropriate individuals in the office. This may be done either by posting a printed copy of the message for all to see, or by forwarding an electronic copy to the appropriate individual(s). If a change to the recipients for the county email needs to be made, contact your REITC or the CAFE Helpdesk.  
Email accounts are created once the employee is entered into the UK payroll system. Once the employee information is established in the payroll system, it will automatically generate the email/link blue account. Once the email account is created, you will receive your email/link blue account information and set up instructions from the appropriate Regional/Area Administrator or Staff Assistant. Questions regarding setting up the Linkblue account and email should be directed to your REITC.  

KERS Registration  
All new UK and KSU Cooperative Extension employees need to register in KERS (Kentucky Extension Reporting System), the UK/KSU CES online Extension Reporting System.  A Linkblue user ID must be used when registering for KERS. 

For UK Employees: 
KERS registration link for UK employees:  https://kers.ca.uky.edu/core/login 

For KSU Employees: 
If you are a KSU employee, please contact Steve Garner to get an account setup for access to KERS. Steven.garner@uky.edu  

If you have any problems registering or any other questions regarding KERS, please contact the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment Helpdesk at 1-800-900-4447 or by email to kers-help@lsv.uky.edu

Extension IT Quick Reference Document

Regional Information Technology Contacts

Agriculture Extension Training Services

By the nature of their roles Extension agents have opportunities to develop partnerships and assume leadership roles within local organizations. We encourage our agents to develop a broad network to ensure they are focused on:  1.) Meeting the needs of their community with their Extension time, resources and expertise; 2.) Developing the leadership capacity of people in their community to lead, organize and synergize efforts to make a difference; and 3.) Developing, implementing and evaluating their educational efforts.

We receive many questions about agents’ options to be leaders in other organizations in their professional capacity as Extension agents. We welcome the opportunities for agents to engage in local leadership roles that fit the three items listed above. If the opportunity fits those criteria then it can be beneficial to the community, the agent and our organization. Agents should discuss these opportunities with their Area Extension Director before committing to take on or renew a leadership role in another community organization to finalize approval.  This aids us in assuring that the parameters of the commitment meet the role expectations for the agent and that there is no conflict of interest. In this way there is understanding and agreement up front for our involvement.

 Extension agents should serve in advisory capacity to the County Fair Board. They should neither serve as a voting member of the Fair Board nor serve as an officer. The solicitation of advertising and the printing of the fair catalog is not the duty of the Extension agent. The amount of time an agent spends working with a county fair should be proportionate to the educational value of the fair to the Extension program in the county.

It is recommended to seek guidance from Area Extension Director for questions on participating in community groups. 

Conflict of Interest Policy - Includes Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form Link

Conflict of Interest Training -  How to Access

All new agents are required to complete at least 35 hours of core trainings. Core in-services include topics pertinent to agent success at the county level. Core trainings also count toward career ladder promotion. Agents can register for these trainings through the in-service catalog located in KERS. The majority of these trainings will be offered in clusters during the months of February, May and October of each year. A certificate will be issued after completion of 35 core training in-service hours.

Click here for a complete list of Core In-service Trainings.

To assist in effective overall county Extension programming, to expedite certain office functions, and to aid in the development of satisfactory county staff relationships, county contact agents are designated for specific operational responsibilities in certain areas.

The Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service Council System involves local people and Extension staff together to ensure an effective Extension program. 

Program Advisory Councils
Program advisory councils provide input, advise, and help implement Extension work specific to a certain program area, i.e., Agriculture and Natural Resources, Family and Consumer Sciences, 4-H Youth Development, Community and Economic Development (when applicable), Horticulture (when applicable) or Community Arts (when applicable).
Extension Advisory Councils Overview 
Program Advisory Council Resources and Contacts (Agent Resources) 

County Extension Councils
The County Extension Council is an organized body of volunteer leaders. They counsel with agents and administrators, identify issues and community needs, and help develop, carry out, and evaluate non-formal educational programs that contribute to individual well-being, quality of life, and the county’s social and economic development. The County Extension Council works with the county Extension staff to set goals and performs specific activities and functions to reach those goals. County Extension Councils are authorized through KRS 164.625.
County Extension Council Overview (General Information)
County Extension Council Resources (Agent Resources)

State Extension Advisory Council 
The State Extension Advisory Council provides programmatic review and input at the state level, counseling with Extension administration from University of Kentucky and Kentucky State University. The delegate structure includes area delegates who provide a connection to the county extension councils within each of the twenty-four administrative areas.
State Extension Advisory Council Information 

As a cooperative partner to county, state, and federal organizations, Extension is required to be accountable to those who support us through their time and resources.  The County Review process allows members of the Cooperative Extension team to work with counties to ensure they are operating in the manner that allows them to fulfill our mission.  County Reviews occur in four (4) year cycles with a year off between cycles. 

County Review Process

Client Protection Files Checklist

Office Conferences

  1. Area Extension Director will meet with County staff on a regular basis
  2. All staff (including professionals, support staff, and assistants) need to be involved in office conferences. All participants should commit time for office conference by holding phone calls, visits, etc., during the conference time.
  3. Office conferences need to be held on a regular basis. A weekly conference is encouraged.
  4. Develop an agenda with all staff having an opportunity to contribute items. The Area Extension Director, working with the county office support staff coordinator, should schedule the regular meeting date and time for staff conferences. When AED is unable to attend the meetings, the office support staff coordinator should facilitate.

    An agenda should include such topics as:
     -important decision-making activities
     -coordination of plans and reports
     -special reports
     -council meetings
     -pertinent correspondence
     -work schedules
     -review of office expenditures or other fiscal matters
     -office/building maintenance or improvements

  1. The office secretary or other staff member should take meeting minutes.
  2. A final copy of the minutes should be given to all staff members, one kept in the county files, and one sent electronically, along with calendars from staff members to the Area Extension Director or County Manager, and Regional Administration Support Staff. 

7. Some uses of office conferences are to:
      -identify programs that reach a broad spectrum of clientele
      -programming updates-work towards a team approach on programs
      -develop long-term thinking for the county Extension program
      -design strategic plan for leader development
      -review office workload
      -review programs and assistance needed
      -develop marketing Extension plans, including social media and website  updates
      -look for opportunities to co-sponsor programs
      -develop educational programs that relate to issues identified by the leadership
      -share knowledge about community news, activities, etc.
      -look for opportunities to make the office more efficient and professional
      -develop efficient office procedures
      -update all reasonable efforts files

8. The commitment of participation among the staff members is very important to have productive meetings.

Staff Calendars
All staff members are to complete and send calendars on schedule determined by Area Extension Director or County Manager.

Sample Weekly Staff Calendar
Sample Bi-weekly Staff Calendar

The Extension District Board is an agency of the state to function with authority for making fiscal and financial decisions for the Extension District in cooperation with the University of Kentucky. The County Extension Council will provide advice, recommendations, and assistance to the Extension District Board for use in making business and fiscal matter decisions for the overall well-being of the people and communities in the Extension District. Extension District Boards are authorized through KRS 164.605-164.675.

Extension District Board Manual

Extension District Board Member Position Description

Extension Calendar Deadlines

Employment Opportunities
Careers with Kentucky Cooperative Extension
Job Listings for Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service

UK Employee Resources 
UK Benefits
UK HR Policies and Procedures
Staff Handbook
Orientation Policy for UK Employees
Child Abuse and Neglect Registry Checks (CAN)

Employee Resources-General
Accident/Incident Report Form  
Career Ladder Promotion 
   Career Ladder Procedures and Guidelines
   Career Ladder Promotion Guide (Copy of application questions for review)

Conflict of Interest Policy - Includes Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form Link
Conflict of Interest Training -  How to Access

Corrective Action

County Coordinators  


Employee Dress Code

Employee/Family Education Program in the CAFE Overview

I-9 Forms: 
Only university designated I-9 signers can complete an I-9 form. I-9 signers should use the forms sent directly to them most recently from Yankuba Banda in HR.
Reminder! New employees must complete all forms in person and signers must coordinate I-9 signing appointments with Melissa Howard and have Melissa review the completed documents before the new employee leaves the office.

Log Sheets

Moving Allowance 

myDocs Self-Service Document Portal - Access official documents such as tax forms and           unofficial documents

Name Change Form


Performance Appraisal Documents

Professional Development

Post-Retirement Appointments

Publishing and Marketing Resources 

Resignation (4E)

Transfer Policy for Agents and Bi-weekly Staff

Equipment Inventory Process/ Sale and Disposal (4A-F) 
Equipment Inventory Form
Equipment Inventory Form-fillable

Equipment Inventory Instructional Powerpoint

Federal Excess Property (4C)

Retirement or Resignation-Employee Equipment Accountability (4E)

Extension Marketing Resources site 

Purchasing and Managing Office Equipment

  • Include specific equipment needs in the annual budget. Prioritize the list.
  • Investigate the kinds of equipment that will do the best job for your office.
  • Everyone (agents, staff assistants, and program assistants) in the office need to be involved in the decision-making.
  • Follow the recommended bidding process found in this section.
  • Whenever possible, purchase "in state" from a reputable dealer. Catalog dealers may leave warranty and maintenance in your hands. Also, purchasing in-state enable the use of the county's tax-exempt number and supports businesses that pay taxes to the state government.
  • Do not pay book or list price. Talk to the sales representative. Often the price is negotiable. Check government price on items for comparison. However, government prices may not be the best price. Ask: What is the seller's responsibility concerning the equipment's warranty? Is the buyer responsible for getting the equipment to the repair shop? Where is the repair shop? Who will do the training on using the equipment? Who pays for routine service and cleaning?
  • Purchase equipment when it is needed rather than waiting until the end of the year.
  • Service warranties may not be worthwhile to you. Copiers may be the exception.
  • It may be possible to get a company to bill part of the cost in one fiscal year and the balance in the second fiscal year. Many companies will also allow payments monthly.
  • Set a written policy on the use and loan of the equipment. The County Extension Council needs to be involved in developing and approving the policy.
  • Establish a schedule for routine cleaning and services. Most office and audio-visual equipment need annual cleaning and service. The best service usually comes from the vendor who sold the product. These vendors want their equipment to perform at top efficiency and reliability.

Obtaining a Sales Tax Purchase Exempt Number (7D)

Obtaining  501 (c) 3 status (7E)

Competitive Bids (3E)

Records Management (Under Training Resources)
Includes County Records Retention Schedule, Filing Index and Records Destruction Certificate

For specific questions on disposing of documents, see your Area Extension Director

Extension follows university guidelines for leave and holidays, except where noted below.  Those guidelines can be found in the:
UK HR Policies and Procedures. 

Extension employees must request and receive approval for leave from their supervisor prior to taking leave time.   
     Instructions on making Leave Request 
     Make Leave Request through myUK 
     UK Leave Policies  
     Staff Shared Leave Pool
     Official Holiday Calendar

Vacation (Annual) Leave Accrual:
Extension Agents, Associates, and Specialists
vacation leave is accrued at the rate of 1.83 days per month or twenty-two days per year. 
Extension Assistants and Extension Staff Assistants vacation leave is accrued consistent with  UK HRP&P #80. 


  1. Official letterhead is required at the top of all mailings, including newsletters. "Cooperative Extension Service" must appear at the top of the page. The public notification non-discrimination statement must be at the bottom of the page.
  2. Content of mailing must relate to activities in furtherance of Extension work.
  3. The only authorized return address on a mailing is:
    University of Kentucky
    Your county name
    Your county address
  4. Use authorized envelopes only with return address included.


  1. Advertising, buying, selling, sharing dealers’ lists or commodity lists is not permitted. No soliciting other than agencies of the Federal government is permitted.
  2. Contests, prizes, and awards may be included. Do not use names of persons or firms sponsoring contest, or names of donors and amounts. Use "in appreciation to" instead of "sponsored by."
  3. Prices cannot be listed except for cost of Extension events, meals of approved Extension meetings, 4-H Camp, soil samples, bulletins, and services.
  4. Information on commercial, religious, or political activities may NOT be sent.
  5. No advertising or business of fairs, livestock shows and livestock sales except for information on displays and exhibits to persons enrolled in Extension program may be sent.
  6. No established organizations' and associations' business may be sent. This includes State Department of Agriculture, University, breeder's associations, farm bureaus, soil conservation districts, DHIA, etc. This includes information on dues, called meetings, or promotion of the organization. This does not pertain to 4-H clubs and other groups organized and directly supervised by extension agents in accordance to their Plan of Work. In order to assist in organizing, information and announcements of meetings can be mailed until the group is organized and officers are functioning.
  7. Extension Agents are not permitted to complete questionnaires from outside agencies without administrative clearance from the Director, Cooperative Extension Service or other appropriate state administrator.   
  8. General office greetings, such as welcomes or farewells to employees may be included as needed. Holiday greetings may also be included but must be non-secular.


  1. All correspondence must be signed by an agent and must include the agent's title and typed name.
  2. Staff assistants or other designated office employee may sign the agent's name with permission.
  3. Rubber stamp signatures are allowed.
  4. Signatures of non-authorized people should not appear.
  5. The person who signs the letter or enclosure is responsible for the correctness of the mailing with regard to the requirements and restrictions listed on this page.

Mailing lists

  1. Mail lists should be reviewed annually. Correct the mailing lists during the year when changes occur, mail is returned, or additions are made.
  2. Maintain an additional internal list that contains gender, race, and ethnicity of clients for affirmative action records and reporting. Utilize the same categories as reflected on extension attendance rosters.
  3. Mailing lists are NOT to be distributed outside the Cooperative Extension Service unless approved by the Director of Cooperative Extension Service. They are not federal or public record or for use by any other federal agency. Agents should approve distribution of any list within the Cooperative Extension Service


Enclosure slips provide an opportunity for a quick correspondence with extension clientele requesting information and provide a contact for individuals to reference their county extension office and agent. They are required with mailed materials that do not include a signed letter from agent. Visit the CAFE Marketing Resource page for the enclosure slip template.


Self-mailers are letters, circulars, or newsletters sent without envelopes. They must use Cooperative Extension Service letterheads.

Use of brand names
1. Avoid using trade and brand names.

2. If a brand name is used, use an appropriate disclaimer such as "The information given herein is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by the Cooperative Extension Service is implied."

Postage meters
Use of postage meters is under the guidance of local extension leadership and local postal office.

Reducing Costs
Extension personnel should make every effort to reduce postal costs whenever possible for most efficient use of taxpayer funds. Some suggestions:

  • Consolidate daily mail in office. Non-critical mail to the same address can be collected over 2-3 days and sent in one envelope.
  • Eliminate unnecessary mailings of newsletters, publications, etc. if they can be hand delivered. Do mailings less often. Eliminate duplicate mailing to a family.
  • Update mailing lists. Check for deaths, correct addresses, moves, etc.
  • Evaluate use of mail and newsletters. Are newsletters of value to receiver? Are newsletters of quality presentation and content?
  • Check with your postmaster about ways to save money

Shipping Dangerous Materials
Environmental Quality Management Department (EQM) provides assistance to the UK community regarding the shipping of dangerous goods by providing the training required to originate such shipments.   This training is required by the US Department of Transportation (DOT) which also mandates compliance with the International Air Transportation Association (IATA) training requirements. Dangerous goods include such obvious materials as chemical solvents, oxidizers, reactive materials, corrosives and poisons, along with some biological substances and other common items including aerosol sprays, batteries, and many other substances.

All UK faculty, staff and students who are involved in any aspect of shipping dangerous goods as described above must be trained in conformance with DOT/IATA. For more details, including training information, visit the UK Environmental Quality Management Site.

Cooperative Extension Service Marketing Resources 
*Includes logos, templates, copyright info, name badges, and approved vendors list.

Extension Exclusives-Source for News Articles

Social Media
Use of social media provides another way for Extension to communicate with the public.  For college guidelines on social media refer to the University's Social Media Policies and Guidelines.
UK CAFE Social Media Platforms
X - https://twitter.com/UKAgriculture

Radio and Television Programs
Radio and television are valuable communication tools. The following guidelines should be observed by Extension personnel.

  • It is preferable that stations allot public service time for programs to employees of the Cooperative Extension Service.
  • Agents should be clearly identified on each program as employees of the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service.
  • Extension agent’s positions and responsibilities should be fully understood by the station manager or program director.
  • Agents should avoid becoming too closely allied with a particular station or product.
  • Extension personnel should limit their program effort to the promotion of Extension educational information and related programs. They should not serve in the role of staff member of the station, handling programs out of their field (such as being a disc jockey, weather, market, or sports reporter) at any time construed as “normal” working hours. 

Commercially Sponsored Radio and Television Programs
Extension Service personnel will be allowed to use commercially sponsored time for their educational radio and TV programs with the following stipulations aimed at safeguarding the Extension Service from endorsing or appearing to endorse specific commercial products. 

  • Participation will not be approved on any program that may lead the public to believe that the sponsor is making the time available on the air as a means of obtaining special consideration from the Extension Service. 
  • The Extension Service cannot be put in the position of directly or indirectly endorsing or calling attention to any firm or its product. The program of the Extension Agent must, therefore, clearly avoid endorsement. A disclaimer is not considered a sufficient safeguard. An Extension worker shall neither participate in nor supply statements for use in a commercial program if what he/she says or the materials he/she prepared seem to be an endorsement of the sponsor’s product or services. 
  • The Extension Service will maintain full control of subject matter presented by its employees and must be free to present information or recommendations without influence by the sponsor.
  • All arrangements concerning participation in commercial sponsored broadcasts will be carried out by the Extension Service with the radio station management and not through the sponsor or some other advertising agent. 
  • Extension Agents are advised to use a disclaimer statement if they feel such is to their advantage. Example: “It is the intention of the Cooperative Extension Service to present this program information based on research. It is not the policy of the Extension Service or its employees to endorse any particular brand or product.”

The goal of mentoring in Extension is to provide a professional, educational, and personal support system for new agents of the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service. A mentor will be assigned soon after an employee is hired. 

Extension Agent Mentoring 

CAFE Staff Mentoring

The Kentucky Nutrition Education Program (KYNEP) encompass two separate USDA programs: The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP), and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP-Ed).

Nutrition Education Program Website

Office Operations Overview

UK Use of Motor Vehicles When Conducting University Business Policy

County Director Duties

County Manager Duties

County Facilitator Duties

County Facilities Manager Duties

County Bookkeeper Responsibilities

County Office Coordinator's Descriptions

New Staff Orientation Packet

Creating a Positive Image through Office Management

Emergency Closings   

Employee Dress Code

I-9 Forms: 
Only university designated I-9 signers can complete an I-9 form. I-9 signers should use the forms sent directly to them most recently from Yankuba Banda in HR.
Reminder! New employees must complete all forms in person and signers must coordinate I-9 signing appointments with Sarah Habel sarah.habel@uky.edu and have  Sarah review the completed documents before the new employee leaves the office.

Medical Cannabis in Kentucky

myUK login information

Office Change of Address Guide

Sample Facility Usage Agreement

Promptly forward any open records requests to your Area Extension Director for processing. Do not prepare or send out any open records request responses on behalf of the Board or the University.

All Open Records must be sent to UK open records listserve: UKopenrecords@uky.edu.

The Kentucky Open Records & Open Meetings Act: A guide for the public and public agencies

Extension agents are often requested by representatives of other agencies to complete questionnaires, sign project proposals, supply mailing lists, and endorse programs. Agents are NOT free to sign documents, complete questionnaires, endorse programs, supply mailing lists or agree to devote significant blocks of time to another agency unless it is in accord with the provisions of an understanding agreed to by the Extension administration and the other agencies in advance of the request. Therefore, agents should not automatically respond to questionnaires from other agencies and organizations without administrative clearance from the Area Extension Director.

The development of the county Plan of Work begins in the final year of the current plan.
Prior to the implementation of a new plan, agents are to conduct assessments, plus work with local community organizations to determine the needs and issues in their counties.  All agents and their work should be reflected in the plan, through joint programmatic efforts. Agents should not have their own individual plans/major programs in this document.

Plan of Work Development and Process

University policies regarding political activities and public office are applicable to all Extension employees.

Should an Extension Agent be invited to testify for a legislative/governmental committee, the agent should advise the individual that someone from UK administration will contact them. The agent should then alert their Area Extension Director and Regional Extension Director.

Professional Associations (3L)

Chi Epsilon Sigma - Membership is open to support staff members and retirees from the University of Kentucky. 

Epsilon Sigma Phi - Membership is open to Extension professionals and retirees from the University of Kentucky and Kentucky State University meeting requirements set by the organization.

Kentucky Association of County Agriculture Agents - Membership is open to any full-time Cooperative Extension Agent whose primary responsibility is in an agriculture or horticulture field employed in Kentucky. 

Kentucky Association of Extension 4-H Agents - Membership is open to all currently employed Kentucky Cooperative Service professionals assigned responsibility for 4-H Youth Development or having a professional interest for promoting or supporting youth work.

Kentucky Association of State Extension Professionals - Membership is open to any University of Kentucky  or Kentucky State University Extension specialist, Extension associate, or professional with an Extension appointment or assignment.

Kentucky Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences - Membership is open to any County or Area Extension Agent, Area Specialist, Agent-at-Large or Extension Associate with a minimum bachelor’s degree in any field doing work related to Family and Consumer Sciences/Home Economics. See 2024 NEAFCS awards winners here.

Kentucky Joint Council of Extension Professionals - The Kentucky Joint Council of Extension Professionals is the local branch of the Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP). It consists of officers from Kentucky Association of County Agricultural Agents (KACAA)Kentucky Association of Extension 4-H Agents (KAE4-HA)Kentucky Extension Association of Family Consumer Sciences (KEAFCS)Epsilon Sigma Phi Alpha Kappa Chapter (ESP), and Kentucky Association of State Extension Professionals (KASEP).

Suggestions for ordering from UK

Agents and staff assistants should discuss and coordinate orders of supplies to avoid submitting several orders. The Order Entry Computer Program is used to order some publications and other supplies such as mat board. Access the order entry system.

Supply orders should be placed at least two weeks before needed, as they are mailed in the biweekly packet. Note-regular county packets will not be mailed until there are items to be sent, and will be mailed on the regular bi-weekly schedule. Counties are welcome to pick up ordered supplies from the Agriculture Distribution Center, Mon – Fri, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Counties will be charged for supplies purchased from the Agricultural Distribution Center monthly.

Current UK Cooperative Extension publications are available through our on-line publication catalog

 A limited number of publications require payment. The preferred method of payment is a charge through the county office or unit, but checks are also accepted.

 The Agriculture Communications Service Print Media department can do many large in-house printing jobs for Cooperative Extension. Allow a minimum two weeks for this service.

Publication Distribution

Single copies of most Extension publications are available to clientele through the local county extension office. Publications are printed on a “demand” basis and only a small quantity is kept at county Extension offices.

Multiple copies of most publications may be made and distributed with permission from the county agent with that programming responsibility. There is a charge for some publications and this cost may be passed on to the individuals or organizations using the publications. The decision to charge for these publications is made at a local level.

4-H Youth Development publications are distributed through County Cooperative Extension offices for use in organized 4-H Youth Development programs, clubs or groups. Distribution to the general public is handled by local 4-H Youth Development agent.

Reporting the success of county efforts is critical to showing the value of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service. Frequent and accurate reporting is an expectation of all Extension professionals. Agents should follow the guidelines for reporting, and adhere to the deadlines specified throughout the year.

Overview of all Kentucky Cooperative Extension Reports

Reporting Descriptions and Deadlines

KERS Reporting Highlights

ADA Assessment and Compliance Plan

ADA Assessment and Compliance Plan (fillable)

KERS login

Extension Calendar Deadlines

Accountability to the public is a continuous process.
Final submissions of Report to the People should be approved by your Area Extension Director.
Reports highlighting Extension efforts shall be made by the County Extension staff annually at a County Extension Council meeting.  In addition, agents are encouraged to share annual report strategically and widely.

UK Marketing guidelines should be followed before the Report to the People is distributed. Full UK Branding guidelines are available here.

2024-25 Report to People Preparation Guidelines

Adding Report to People to county website

Promptly forward any subpoena requests to your Area Director for processing.

Do not prepare or send out any subpoena response either on behalf of the Board or the University.

Payroll hours for biweekly employees are to be entered by employee no later than 12:00 PM (noon) every Thursday and approved by 4:00 PM by supervisor.

 UK Payroll Schedule

UK Employee Guide

 Employee Resources

Biweekly Travel
Any time travel is required for work purposes that takes you away from your normal work location(s) and assigned duties, it is required that you submit an official request.  This recommendation is for your protection to document your work status.
Travel requests are made through myUK Employee Services.  Official professional leave/travel must be used upon approval by supervisor.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
     Leaving the county for any work related reason
     Attending the CHIES conference/seminar as a participant

Recording Official Professional Leave/Travel

Step-by step - Requesting Official Professional Leave


Agent Travel
Extension Agents are required to develop county plans of work to prioritize and accomplish an educational mission within their county. The agent’s primary focus should be on the development of an educational program for their area of work with the needs of the county being the primary consideration.

Reimbursements for travel, subsistence, registration fees, other expenses related to the day-to-day travel within the mission of Cooperative Extension must be requested through the Concur system according to the University of Kentucky and Cooperative Extension policies.

Out-of-county travel is often required to become educated in specific knowledge areas and to develop personal skills. Travel planned by agents should be intentional to make the best use of resources available and provide the training and development needed to conduct a county program.
For complete guidelines: Travel Funding Guidelines for Agents

Professional Improvement Fund Guidelines

Advance Payment for Registration Fees   

Concur Travel and Expense Management

Out of State Travel Request Form

Reimbursement of Travel Expenses-University Guidelines

Risk Management Plan Template
Risk Management Fillable Template

The Agriculture Communications Learning Services provides many resources to assist with technology needs.

The CAFE Business Center provides many valuable videos to allow employees to learn at their own pace.

Contact Information

Laura Stephenson
Associate Dean & Director of Extension

S-107 Ag Science Building-North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

