KY Revised Statutes Regarding CEC and Extension Service
KRS15.257 Open Records and Open Meetings Acts
KRS 45A.080 Competitive Sealed Bidding
KRS 45A.085, KRS 45A.090 or KRS 45A.180 Competitive Negotiation
KRS 45A.095 Noncompetitive Negotiation
KRS 45A.100 Small Purchase Procedures
KRS 45A.185 Bid Bonds
KRS 45A.190 Performance Bond and Payment Bond
KRS 45A.195 Bond Forms
KRS 45A.385 Small Purchases by Local Public Agencies
KRS 58.180 Nonprofit Corporation/Financing of Public Projects
KRS 61.805 Definitions for KRS 61.805 to 61.850
KRS 61.810 Exceptions to open meetings
KRS 61.815 Requirements for conducting closed sessions
KRS 61.820 Schedule of regular meetings to be made available
KRS 61.823 Special meetings - Emergency meetings
KRS 61.826 Video teleconferencing of meetings
KRS 64.850 Commingling of Public and Private Funds Prohibited
KRS 65A.010 Special Purpose Government Entities Defined
KRS 65A.110 Fees and ad Valorem taxes
KRS 65.060 Definition of district
KRS 65.065 Budgets - Filing - Financial statements - Audits - Enforcement
KRS 65.070 Filing with county clerk and fiscal court
KRS 65.182 Creating a Taxing District/Extension Taxing Authority
KRS 67.080 Powers of fiscal court
KRS 67.083 Additional powers of fiscal courts
KRS 67.712 Powers and immunities common to all county judges/executive and county governments, including urban-county governments
KRS 67.715 Reorganization powers
KRS 68.245 Estimate of assessment - Levy in excess of compensatory tax rate subject to recall vote or reconsideration
KRS 68.248 County revenue limits on tax rate applicable to personal property
KRS 132.010 Definitions for chapter
KRS 132.023 Limits for special purpose governmental entities - Procedure for exceeding limits (public hearing)
KRS 132.024 Limits for certain districts on personal property tax rate
KRS 132.025 Cumulative increase for 1982-83 only by taxing district - Limit - Public hearing and recall provisions not applicable
KRS 134.290 Compensation for sheriff for collecting state and county taxes - Repealed, 2010
KRS 136.180 Notice and certification of valuation - Effect of appeal on payment of Taxes - Payment of fee by any district which has value certified by department
KRS 139.010 Definition for Chapter
KRS 139.200 Imposition of sales tax
KRS 139.210 Retailer's powers to collect from purchaser
KRS 139.260 Presumption that all gross receipts and tangible personal property, digital property, and services sold for delivery in state are taxable
KRS 139.480 Property Exempt
KRS 139.497 Exemption for sales by schools, school-sponsored clubs and organizations or affiliated groups, certain nonprofit educational youth programs
KRS 139.498 Exemption for sale of admissions and fundraising event sales by nonprofit organizations
KRS 164.110 Acts assenting to Acts of Congress for agricultural experiment work to University of Kentucky.
KRS 164.605 Short title
KRS 164.610 Purpose
KRS 164.615 Definitions for KRS 164.605 to 164.675
KRS 164.620 Extension districts authorized
KRS 164.625 Regulations, authority, and duty of director of extension - Extension council, membership, by-laws
KRS 164.630 Extension board authorized
KRS 164.635 Extension board - Membership, appointment, term, vacancy, removal of member
KRS 164.640 Organization
KRS 164.645 Meetings required
KRS 164.650 Duties of officers -Oath
KRS 164.655 Extension board, powers and duties
KRS 164.660 Equal opportunity - Board member restrictions - Nepotism
KRS 164.665 Repealed, 1978
KRS 164.670 Revenues payable to treasurer
KRS 164.675 Directive to extension board
KRS 164A.585 Contracting for capital construction projects
KRS 176.080 Bond or check to accompany bid
KRS 247.080 Boards of education may aid extension work
KRS 424.110 Definitions
KRS 424.120 Qualifications of newspapers
KRS 424.130 Times and periods of publication – Posting of delinquent tax lists
KRS 424.140 Contents or form of advertisements
KRS 424.150 Person responsible for publishing
KRS 424.160 Rates for newspaper advertising required by law
KRS 424.170 Proof of publication
KRS 424.180 Advertisements of state agencies
KRS 424.190 Alternatives to newspaper publication abolished - Exception - Information required to be sent to Department for Local Government
KRS 424.195 Supplementation of printed notice by broadcast in certain cases -424.200 -Repealed, 1960
KRS 424.210 Official newspapers abolished
KRS 424.220 Financial statements
KRS 424.230 Optional monthly or quarterly statements
KRS 424.240 County or city budget
KRS 424.250 School district budget
KRS 424.260 Bids for materials, supplies, equipment, or services
KRS 424.270 Local administrative regulations
KRS 424.280 Due date of ad valorem taxes
KRS 424.290 Election ballot
KRS 424.300 Public Service Commission hearings
KRS 424.310 Railroad Commission hearings - Repealed, 2000
KRS 424.320 Repealed, 1960
KRS 424.330 Publication of lists of delinquent taxes by counties and cities - Fee allowance
KRS 424.340 Publication of notice of fiduciary appointments and date for presentation of creditors' claims
KRS 424.350 Repealed, 1960
KRS 424.360 Invitation to bid on municipal bonds
KRS 424.370 Judicial sale of real property
KRS 424.380 Failure to comply with publication requirements
KRS 424.990 Penalties